
Tuesday, 31 January 2017


Fancy chocolates can get pretty expensive but you can actualy make even better ones at home. You can choose your own flavors, fillings and shapes. Here I have made white and dark chocolates with strawberry, raspberry and cherry jelly fillings. The end result is delightful :)

Ingredients :
  • bar of chocolate
  • pack of jelly powder
  • hot water
  • coconut oil (optional)
In this recipe I have used mini cupcake silicon molds. You can also use an ice tray.

Chop the chocolate into small pieces, place it in a microwave safe bowl and add 0,5 tsp of coconut oil. Melt the chocolate in the microwave, stirring it every 20 seconds. The chocolate should be melted after the third stir.

Place the jelly powder in a bowl and add one-third of the amount of hot water required on the package. Stir till the jelly is melted and let it cool on the side.

Fill your molds half way and turn them around so the chocolate covers the sides. Place the molds in the fridge for 15 minutes to harden. Next fill the chocolate molds with jelly leaving a few milimeters space at the top. Place it in the fridge for about 30 minutes for the jelly to harden, then fill the top with the remaining chocolate and refrigerate over night.

These chocolates are so delicious, it's hard to believe you can make them at home with such minimum effort :)


 Valentine's cookies is a easy and adorable way to treat the ones we love. You can wrap it up and use it as a gift or decorate a Valentine's day cake. Here I have made almond flavored cookies with icing sugar paste to decorate :)

Ingredients for the cookie dough :

  • 200 g granulated sugar (1 cup)
  • 230 g butter (room temp.)
  • 1 egg
  • 360 g flour (all purpose)
  • 1 tsp almond extract
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • red or pink gel food coloring

Mix the butter with sugar in a mixer for 5 minutes. Add the egg, almond extract and gel food coloring and mix for 2 minutes. Sieve the flour and baking powder into the mixture and mix with a spoon or a spatula till all combined. Press the dough in your hands and shape it into a ball. Place the dough in a plastic bag or tin foil and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Sprinkle some flour on a big cutting board or your kitchen countertop and roll the ball of dough till flat. If the dough is hard to roll, wet your hands with water and knead the dough again.
Cut out your desired shapes. Place baking paper on a baking tray, then place the cutouts on top. Bake for 8-10 minutes at 180°C (350°F).

For decorating I have mixed a cup of icing sugar with 1,5 tsp of water.

Such a beautiful treat straight from the heart :)

Saturday, 28 January 2017


Tiramisu is a Italian classic cake that doesn't require baking. It's extremely fluffy thanks to the mascarpone cheese and whipping cream. The two layers of ladyfingers biscuits are soaked in coffee and Amaretto which give this cake a kick. Tiramisu means " lift me up " and it sure will! :)

Ingredients :
  • 500 g mascarpone cheese
  • 500 ml whipping cream
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 2 tbsp strong instant coffee
  • 1 cup hot water
  • 2 tbsp Amaretto
  • 300 g ladyfingers biscuits
  • 70 g cocoa powder
Place the whipping cream in a freezer to chill well before using.
Add the coffee to the hot water and mix till disolved. Add the Amaretto and let it cool completley.

Place a bowl over a pot with simmering water (make sure the water is not touching the bowl). Place the egg yolks, sugar and honey in the bowl and whisk for 5 minutes. Put the bowl aside and let it cool completley.

When the egg yolk mixture is cooled, add the mascarpone cheese and fold in gently using a spatula. Next beat the egg whites till stiff and fold in the mixture. Whip the cooled whipping cream till stiff and fold in with the mixture (take your time and fold very gently).

Place one layer of ladyfingers on the bottom of a rectangular dish, and soak them with half of the coffee mixture. Add half of the mascarpone cheese mixture on top and spread evenly. Use half of the cocoa powder to sieve evenly on top. Repeat the proces one more time to make a second layer.
Refrigerate the Tiramisu over night or at least 6 hours.

Such an easy and satisfying cake! Tastes best with a cup of coffee on the side ;)

Thursday, 26 January 2017


Semolina Porridge can be served as breakfast or dessert. It's very healthy thanks to the high amount of protein and minerals. In this recipe I will show you how to make a semolina porridge in three different flavors : banana & biscuit, raspberry and chocolate. Yummy and healthy :)

Ingredients for 1 portion of semolina porridge :
  • 300 ml milk
  • 2-3 tbsp semolina (depending on the desired thickness)
  • 0,5 cup cold water
  • 2 tsp honey (or sugar)
Place the semolina in a cup and add the water. Stir the semolina with the water and then let is sit for few seconds so the semolina can fall to the bottom of the cup. In the mean time bring the milk to simmer. Drain off the water and start adding the semolina into the simmering milk, tbsp by tbsp, mixing all the time.
Take the pot off the heat when the mixture thickens.
Add the honey when the porridge cools down a bit.

Raspberry flavor :
  • add 0,5 cup of frozen, ground raspberries.
Banana & biscuit flavor :
  • add 1 mashed banana and 0,5 cup of ground biscuits.
Chocolate flavor :
  • add 1-2 tsp cocoa powder (optional chocolate chips).

Which option do you prefer? Super healthy breakfast which will give you the energy for the day? Or low in calories, delicious dessert after which you will feel no regrets? Well now you have it all in one. Enjoy! ;)

Sunday, 22 January 2017


The amazing combination of chocolate and banana will always make a perfect cake. It's moist, fluffy, full of flavor and as always simple to make. A great way to treat your loved ones :)

Ingredients for the chocolate cake :

  • 125 g cake flour
  • 125 g sugar
  • 80 g butter
  • 30 g cocoa powder
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 ml milk
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 0,5 tsp salt
Mix the butter on high speed for 3 minutes, then start adding the sugar and mix for 5 minutes (make sure the butter is room temp.).
Start adding the eggs one at a time and mix on medium speed, then add the milk and salt (eggs and milk must be in room temp.).
Sieve the flour, cocoa powder and baking powder into a seperate bowl. Add the dry ingredients in two parts and fold gently into the mixture till well combined.

Grease and line the bottoms of two 23 cm baking pans.
Separate the batter equally between the two pans and bake at 180°C (350°F) for 30 minutes. 

Ingredients for the banana and whipping cream filling :
  • 300 ml whipping cream
  • 1 tbsp icing sugar
  • 30 g dark chocolate
  • 3 ripe bananas
Beat the whipping cream till stiff. Chop the dark chocolate into small pieces. Mix the chocolate and icing sugar with the cream.

When the cake layers are cooled, cut the bananas by their lenght and place them on the first layer of the cake.
Spread the cream on top of the bananas and place the second layer of the cake on top.

The end result is fantastic! You can now decorate it however you desire. As always simple and delicious. Enjoy! :)

Friday, 20 January 2017


Homemade Ice Cream is easier to make than you think. It takes only two main ingredients and the flavor options are endless. You don't need a Ice Cream machine to make this delicious and beautiful dessert. Here I have made Chocolate, Blueberry, Vanilla and Raspberry Ice Cream. Yumm :)

Ingredients :
  • 400 ml whipping cream
  • 350 g condensed milk
Whip the cream till stiff. Add the condensed milk and fold in till combined.

Next you can add any flavor you like. Here are some flavors I have made. You can change the quantity, depending on how strong you want the flavor to be.

Chocolate ice cream :
  • 6 - 8 tsp cocoa powder
  • 60 - 80 g finely chopped dark chocolate
Blueberry ice cream :
  • 1 cup blueberry jam
Vanilla ice cream :
  • 3 tsp vanilla extract
Raspberry ice cream :
  • 1 cup frozen raspberrys (grinded in a food processor)
After mixing all the ingredients, place the ice cream mixture in a container with a lid and place in the freezer for over night or at least 8 hours.

Super simple and delicious! Enjoy :)

Wednesday, 18 January 2017


This Spice Cheesecake is a perfect option for winter. All the spices will make you feel warm in no time! This recipe is very easy, quick and no baking needed! Awesome :)

Ingredients for the crust :
  • 300 g spice biscuits
  • 60 g melted butter
NOTE : If you don't have spice biscuits, you can use regular ones, place them in a food procesor and add some cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. 

Place the spice biscuits in a food procesor and grind till it looks like fine sand. Add the melted butter and mix in well.
Distribute the mixture on a 23 cm baking pan, pushing it against the sides. Refrigerate for 10 minutes.

Ingredients for the cheesecake filling :
  • 220 g cream cheese
  • 2 tbsp melted butter
  • 100 g icing sugar
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 0,5 tsp nutmeg
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 200 ml whipping cream
Beat the cream cheese on high speed for 3 minutes, then add the melted butter and mix for another minute (make sure the cream cheese is room temp.) Add the icing sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla extract. Mix on low speed till all is combined.

In a seperate bowl whip the whipping cream till stiff. Add it to the cheese mixture and fold in gently with a spatula.

Pour the mixture onto the crust and refrigerate for atleast 3 hours.

Quick and easy! Enjoy :)

Monday, 16 January 2017


Meringue is a classic and simple dessert, perfect to share with friends and family. It's crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside. You can make it with diferent flavors and colors. It's fun and easy to make, so let's bake! :)

Ingredients :
  • 4 large egg whites
  • 200 g sugar (1 cup)
  • gel food coloring (optional)
When seperating the eggs, make sure there is no egg yolks in the egg whites. Place the egg whites in a metal or glass bowl and whisk on medium speed till soft peaks form. Start adding the sugar tsp by tsp and turn up the speed to high. Whisk the mixture till you can't feel any grains of sugar between your fingers. It should take about 5 minutes.

When the mixture is ready, add the gel food coloring and mix for a few seconds. Place the meringue mixture in a piping bag and pipe the desired shapes and sizes onto a dry baking paper (you can also use a spoon to place the mixture on the paper).

Bake the meringues at 100°C (212°F) for 1,5 hour, then turn the oven off and let them cool with the door closed. The meringues should turn slightly brown and easily come off the baking paper.

Easy peasy and yummy. Enjoy! :)


Sprinkles are a grate decoration for cakes and cupcakes, but they can get pretty expensive and it's hard to find the right colors. But you can make them your self at home very cheep and easy! :)

All you need is :
  • icing sugar
  • water
  • plastic bags
  • baking paper
Mix a cup of icing sugar with a tsp of water. Continue adding the water bit by bit until it forms a very thick paste.
If it gets to thin add more icing sugar.

Mix the paste with gel food coloring of choice.
Place the paste in a plastic bag and cut of one of the corners to create a small hole. Pipe the paste in long, thin stripes and let it dry over night. When the stripes are dry, cut them with a knife into small pieces.

You can also make dots, hearts and many other shapes. Have fun!

Sunday, 15 January 2017


There is so much going on in this cake, yet it is very easy to make. Moist sponge cake with poppy seeds, a meringue layer in the middle and delicious coffee buttercream in-between. I made this cake for my mom's birthday and it came out perfect! :)

Ingredients for the poppy seed sponge cake :
  • 4 large eggs
  • 120 g cake flour
  • 120 g sugar
  • 30 g butter
  • 40 ml milk
  • 0,5 cup poppy seeds
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 0,5 tsp salt
  • 0,5 tsp vanilla extract
Beat the egg whites till soft peaks, then start adding one tsp of sugar at a time and mix on high speed till stiff.
Add the egg yolks and whisk gently till combined.
Sieve in the flour and baking powder in 3 parts, whisking gently after every addition. Melt the butter and let it cool to room temp. Add the butter, milk, salt, vanilla extract and poppy seeds to the mixture and whisk till combined.

Grease only the bottom of two, 23 cm baking pans and line them with baking paper. Bake at 180°C (350°F) for 15 - 20 minutes.

Ingredients for the meringue :
  • 2 egg whites
  • 100 g sugar (0,5 cup)
Beat the egg whites till soft peaks. Start adding the sugar one tsp at a time. Beat for about 5 minutes or till the sugar granules have disolved. Spread the meringue on a baking paper in a shape of a flat, 23 cm circle.
Bake in 120°C (250°F) for an hour.

Ingredients for the coffee buttercream :
  • 200 g butter
  • 100 g icing sugar
  • 1,5 tsp instant coffee
  • 1 tsp water
Mix the butter on high speed for 5 minutes. Add the icing sugar and mix till combined. Dissolve the coffee in the water and add to the buttercream. Mix until well combined.

Layer the cake by placing the sponge cakes on the bottom and at the top, layer them with the buttercream and place the muringue in the middle.

I have also made a vanilla, poppy seed buttercream to cover the cake. Many flavors and textures makes this cake very interesting and absolutely delicious, try it out! :)

Monday, 9 January 2017


These delicious muffins are packed with flavor, dense and moist. I used to love these as a child and making them took me back in time. With this recipe you'll be able to make around 20 muffins, perfect to share with your friends and family :)

Ingredients :
  • 330 g cake flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 0,5 tsp baking soda
  • 0,5 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp poppy seeds
  • 300 g sugar
  • 120 ml milk
  • 110 g butter
  • 2 large eggs
  • zest of 2 lemons
  • 1 tsp lemon extract (or 1 tbsp lemon juice)
Sieve the flour, baking powder and baking soda into a large bowl. Add the poppy seeds and salt and whisk till combined.

Crack the eggs into a seperate bowl, add the sugar and whisk. Melt the butter and let it cool slightly. Add the butter, lemon zest, extract and milk to the eggs and whisk till combined. Make sure the milk is room temperature. You can add 0,5 tsp of vanilla extract for even more flavour.

Add the flour mixture into the egg mixture in 3 parts, whisking through every time. When all the ingredients are combined, fill in your cupcake molds half way.

Bake at 180°C (350°F) for 15 - 18 minutes.

Now it's time to decorate and eat. Enjoy! :)

Friday, 6 January 2017


These Nutella brownies are so simple to make. You only need three ingredients, and the end result is beautiful. Little something for all the Nutella lovers :) 

Ingredients :
  • 500 g Nutella (2 cups)
  • 100 g cake flour (1 cup)
  • 4 eggs
Beat the eggs on high speed for 5 minutes. Warm up the Nutella slightly to thin it out. Add the eggs to the Nutella and sieve in the flour. Fold all together gently till combined. Grease a 25 x 30 cm baking pan and line the bottom with baking paper. Spread the batter evenly. Bake at 170°C (338°F) for 22 - 25 minutes.

Best served still warm :)